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Innovative Czech serum NAVLASIL with active ingredients to restore hair density, accelerate hair growth and prevent hair loss.
More informationsOnly customers who have purchased the product can rate. The average rating is given from all the stars awarded to the product.
Pekne mi voňajú vlasy a mám menej mastné a mám viacej tmavšie vlasy
NAVLASIL serum contains breakthrough active substances that will improve hair quality in many ways.
Explore the real results of female customers and get inspired. Hair Loss? Graying? Hair without density? Change it.
Study results after 1, 2 and 3 months of using the active ingredients (104 users aged 21-70)
Redensyl® (3%): A natural, patented active substance for restoring density and promoting new hair growth, which is obtained from the wood of Deciduous Larch and Chinese Tea Tree. Reduces hair loss and accelerates hair growth. Up to 28,000 new hairs in 3 months of use.
Darkenyl™ (1%): Stabilized antioxidant obtained from Deciduous Larch and Chinese Tea Tree wood in combination with Acetyl Tyrosine. It fights gray hair by protecting hair follicles from oxidation. It reduces the number of white hairs by up to 56%.
Greyverse™ (2%): Patented biomimetic peptide Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-20 Amide. It increases melanogenesis and reduces the number of gray hairs by up to 47%. It affects the health and quality of the hair.
Capixyl™ (5%): Biomimetic peptide and natural Red Clover extract. It stimulates hair regeneration and increases the number of active follicles. It reduces micro-inflammations in the roots.
Defenscalp™ (1.5%): A natural plant extract from Willow, which regulates sebum on the scalp by up to 58% after 15 days. Reduces the visibility of dandruff by half and soothes irritated skin.
Users with thick hair may need more serum, however, with optimal application, the serum should last for 3-4 weeks.
Yes, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women can apply the serum without any worries. Serum NAVLASIL is a great helper in the fight against excessive hair loss caused by hormonal changes and lack of nutrients during this period.
Yes. NAVLASIL contains patented active substances that are clinically tested for their effects. It is clear from the studies that the results and effects can be individual and are not the same for everyone. However, the success rate of visible results is often above 60-70% with regular use for at least 3 months.
The first visible effects of the product will be manifested by a reduction in the amount of hair falling out. Our customers notice a reduction in shedding after just one month of use. You will see the best results after 3 to 6 months of use. You will notice a reduction in gray hair after a longer period of use. Active substances need to be applied for at least 3 months for the effect to appear. NAVLASIL serum can also be applied preventively against gray hair. The added value is delaying the graying process.
Primulus Group, s.r.o.
Novoveská 2075/5d
709 00 Ostrava-Marianske hory
Czech Republic
Store in a dry and dark place at a temperature of up to 25 °C and away from direct sunlight. Store out of reach of children.
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