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Hollow Strap on

Extensions and extenders are primarily used to strengthen and enlarge your penis to achieve unusual sexual experiences. Extensions are used to stretch the penis, penis like a condom and are made of fine latex. Some models of extensions are additionally equipped with a vibrator or projections for more intense irritation. Extenders strengthen and increase the volume of the penis and are designed to be attached to the body so that they can be used by both men and women. Some extenders are additionally equipped with a vibrator or vacuum pump.

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LoveToy Ingen Hollow G 8″ (20 cm)
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LoveToy Ingen Hollow G 8″ (20 cm)

In stock
55,80 €

The purpose of a realistic strap penis is to make you feel as realistic as possible. A hollow penis that can be used without an erection. Makes the penis bigger and longer. Suitable for both men and women. Dimensions 20 x 4.5 cm.

LoveToy Ingen Hollow Big 8.5″ (21 cm)

In stock
55,80 €

The purpose of a realistic strap penis is to make you feel as realistic as possible. A hollow penis that can be used without an erection. Makes the penis bigger and longer. Suitable for both men and women. Dimensions 21 x 5 cm.

Erection Assistant Hollow Strap-on (24 cm, Flesh)
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Erection Assistant Hollow Strap-on (24 cm, Flesh)

In stock
47,80 €

Hollow clip-on penis not only for men. Quality solid dildo that can be used without an erection. Makes the penis bigger and longer. Enjoy a good pegging together! The set includes a didlo harness. Dimensions 24 x 4.5 cm.

Fetish Fantasy 7.5" (19 cm) Hollow Squirting Strap-on with Balls

In stock
51,80 €

Fetish Fantasy Hollow Squirting Strap-on with Balls with splash function. Dildo length 19 cm, diameter 3.2 - 5 cm. At its tip is a reservoir for splashing liquid. Realistic processing. Comfortable to wear. Easy to clean.

You2Toys Silicone Strap-on Large penis

In stock
43,80 €

Extend your penis by another 6 cm! With a clip-on penis made of pleasant material, the You2Toys Silicone Strap-on Large will increase your pride by quite a bit. It is comfortable to wear and your counterpart will surely be more pleased.

You2Toys Silicone Strap-on Medium penis

In stock
35,80 €

Extend your penis by another 5 cm! With a clip-on penis made of pleasant material, the You2Toys Silicone Strap-on Medium will increase your pride by quite a bit. It is comfortable to wear and your counterpart will surely be more pleased.

Fetish Fantasy Extreme Hollow 12inch (30cm) Strap-On Flesh

In stock
75,80 €

Fetish Fantasy Extreme Hollow 12'' Strap-On Flesh full 30 cm long strap-on penis for men. Comfortable adjustable straps hold tightly around the waist. The penis is supported by metal rings. Body color, nice material.

Fetish Fantasy Extreme Hollow Strap-On

In stock
79,80 €

Massive strap-on penis Fetish Fantasy Extreme Hollow Strap-On in flesh color. With harness made of quality leather. Adjustable size. Set suitable for both men and women.

Pretty Love Myron Strap on with hollow dildo black

In stock
39,80 €

Black vibrating strap-on for both men and women Pretty Love Myron. The massive dildo is hollow and ideal for both men and women to wear. Inside the dildo there is a vibrating motor to deepen the feeling of making love.

Pretty Love Vito Strap on with hollow dildo black

In stock
39,80 €

Black vibrating strap-on for both men and women Pretty Love Vito. The massive dildo is hollow and ideal for both men and women to wear. Inside the dildo there is a vibrating motor to deepen the feeling of making love.

Pretty Love Marvin Strap on with hollow dildo black

In stock
39,80 €

Black vibrating strap-on for both men and women Pretty Love Marvin. The massive dildo is hollow and ideal for both men and women to wear. Inside the dildo there is a vibrating motor to deepen the feeling of making love.

Fetish Fantasy 10’’ Hollow Strap-On flesh

In stock
31,80 €

You never have to worry about your performance. With the Fetish Fantasy Hollow Strap-On you will always be ready for action. This strap-on is always hard and ready, meaning you can satisfy your partner at any time.

Fetish Fantasy 10’’ Big Daddy Hollow Strap-On

In stock
39,80 €

Imagine a product that opens the door to new dimensions of pleasure and intimacy. The Big Daddy Hollow Strap-On is not just an erotic aid. It's your new best friend in the bedroom. It will bring you and your partner unforgettable experiences.

Fetish Fantasy Hollow Strap-On flesh

In stock
31,80 €

Flexible and adjustable Hollow Strap-On strap. Circumference up to 132 cm for comfortable and safe wearing. No more compromises - just pure pleasure.

Everlasting dong

In stock
19,80 €

The Everlasting Dong Strap On is designed to suit everyone. Convenient, safe and realistic. For men, lesbian couples and everyone who wants something extra.

Fetish Fantasy 8’’ Mr. Big Hollow Strap-on

In stock
39,80 €

With prominent glands, veins and realistic testicles, it looks and feels like a real penis. This detailed design ensures that every touch and movement is as authentic as possible.Whether you want to lengthen your penis for a more intense experience ...

Připínací penis Robotic black

In stock
23,80 €

Looking for a way to liven up your intimate life? With the Robotic Strap-on you will discover new possibilities of pleasure and entertainment. Why not try something new?

Robotic Strap-on penis

In stock
23,80 €

Looking for a way to liven up your intimate life? With the Robotic Strap-on you will discover new possibilities of pleasure and entertainment. Why not try something new?

Strap-on Bull Power clip-on penis

In stock
23,80 €

Awaken the beast in you! Strap-on Bull Power is a secret weapon that will guarantee unforgettable moments and give confidence where it is most needed.

Easy Rider Strap-on

In stock
23,80 €

Overcome the barriers in your sex life. EASY RIDER Strap-on brings a new dimension of experience regardless of physical limitations. Try and enjoy every moment together.


Co je to strap-on?

Jde o připínací postroj v oblasti pohlavních orgánů, který simuluje mužský penis. Existují ovšem i varianty s umístěním na obličej nebo bez pevného umístění s vyšší variabilitou. Může tak být ideální erotickou hračkou jak pro dvě ženy, které připínacím penisem mohou nahradit muže, tak pro gay pár, který využití strap-on určitě nebudou hledat dlouho.

Využití připínacích penisů

Strap-on penisy jsou vhodné zejména pro:

1. Poruchy erekce - trpíš-li erektilní dysfunkcí, můžeš využít dutých připínacích penisů, které si navlékneš na svůj penis a můžeš obšťastňovat svoji partnerku nekonečně dlouho. Už žádné tablety a prášky s pochybným účinkem. Postav do latě svého obra.
2. Dvojitou penetraci - využijí hlavně dvě ženy za pomocí dvojitého dilda, které jim zajistí prožití vzájemně sdílené rozkoše.
3. Předčasnou ejakulaci - opět využij dutý strap-on, který ti pomůže vydržet mnohem déle, díky pevnému nástavci na tvůj unavený penis.

Typy připínacích penisů

Existují tři základní typy připínacích penisů:

1. Klasické strap-on připínací penisy - jde o plná dilda připevněné na postroji bez dalších funkcí.
2. Duté připínací penisy - to jsou nástavce na penis, které se používají na prodloužení penisu. Navlékají se na penis podobně jako kondom a jsou vyrobeny z jemného latexu.
3. Dvojité připínací penisy - slouží pro dvojitou penetraci u dvou žen. Můžeš využít penetraci vagíny u sebe a dráždění análního prostoru u partnerky.

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