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Love Balls

Vaginální kuličky neboli Venušiny kuličky jsou mezi ženami velice oblíbené, princip stimulace je jednoduchý. Uvnitř vnější vaginální kuličky je umístěna ještě jedna malá, těžší kulička, která se pohybem těla rozkmitá a vytváří uvnitř vagíny zajímavý a vzrušující stimul. Používání vaginálních kuliček je doporučeno i odborníky, dochází totiž k procvičování a posilování vaginálního svalstva. Vyberte si z naší široké nabídky vaginálních kuliček a jistě budete nadmíru spokojena.

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SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls Plum Red set of 3 luxury balls for exercise
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SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls Plum Red set of 3 luxury balls for exercise

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39,80 €

A wonderful set of vibrating SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls designed to effectively strengthen the pelvic floor. Contains 3 balls - 49g, 75g, 95g. An exercise plan will ensure intense sexual satisfaction. Made of silky soft silicone. Waterproof (IPX8).

Weight balls Satisfyer Balls C03 double 3 pack
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Weight balls Satisfyer Balls C03 double 3 pack

In stock
23,80 €

Train your love muscles into your dream shape with Satisfyer Balls C03 double weight balls. Not only will sex be many times more satisfying for your partner, it will be satisfying for you too! We call that a win for both parties.

Love Balls Twin Balls
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Love Balls Twin Balls

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5,16 €

Introducing Twin Balls - not only an elegant accessory, but more importantly your new partner on the way to strengthening intimate health and increasing sexual satisfaction. These gentle vaginal venus balls offer much more than just internal vaginal...

LELO Luna Beads Mini
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LELO Luna Beads Mini

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71,80 €

The LELO Mini ball system is a combination of pleasure and fitness. Made as an alternative to traditional ben wa balls. The set contains 2x 28 gram and 2x 37 gram balls with a diameter of 29 mm. Suitable for daily exercise.

Vibrating vaginal balls pink (32mm, 80g)
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Vibrating vaginal balls pink (32mm, 80g)

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39,80 €

Vibrating silicone balls with a pleasant surface. They have a built-in vibrating motor that can be controlled by remote control. The balls are odorless and 100% body-safe. They are light - ideal for beginners.

Rithual Nisha Orchid 33mm 75g rechargeable vibrating love balls
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Rithual Nisha Orchid 33mm 75g rechargeable vibrating love balls

In stock
39,80 €

Rechargeable vibrating balls for women who want sensual stimulation. Large selection of 10 vibration programs and convenient one-button operation. The rechargeable battery lasts up to 120 minutes. Medical silicone surface (non-porous).

Rithual Nisha Black 33mm 75g rechargeable vibrating love balls

In stock
39,80 €

Rechargeable vibrating balls for women who want sensual stimulation. Large selection of 10 vibration programs and convenient one-button operation. The rechargeable battery lasts up to 120 minutes. Medical silicone surface (non-porous).

Silicone vaginal balls purple 32mm 165g

In stock
15,80 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 32mm and weight 165 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls pink 32mm 165g

In stock
15,80 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 32mm and weight 165 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls pink 32mm 125g

In stock
15,80 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 32mm and weight 125 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls purple 36mm 90g

In stock
13,96 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 36mm and weight 90 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls light pink 36mm 90g

In stock
13,96 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 36mm and weight 90 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls pink 36mm 90g

In stock
13,96 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 36mm and weight 90 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

Silicone vaginal balls pink 29mm 60g

In stock
11,80 €

Silicone balls for combating incontinence and a firmer pelvic floor. The pleasant silicone surface is 100% body-safe and odorless. Diameter 29mm and weight 60 grams. Ideal for beginners and curious women. They vibrate when moving.

SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls Violet set of 3 luxury balls for exercise
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SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls Violet set of 3 luxury balls for exercise

In stock
39,80 €

A wonderful set of vibrating SVAKOM Nova Kegel Balls designed to effectively strengthen the pelvic floor. Contains 3 balls - 49g, 75g, 95g. An exercise plan will ensure intense sexual satisfaction. Made of silky soft silicone. Waterproof (IPX8).

Weight balls Satisfyer Balls C02 double 3 pack

In stock
22,76 €

Train your love muscles into your dream shape with Satisfyer Balls C02 double. Not only will sex be many times more satisfying for your partner, it will be satisfying for you too! We call that a win for both parties.

LoveToy Luna Beads II pink

In stock
17,96 €

LoveToy Luna Beads II combine pleasure and vaginal muscle training at the same time. In addition to pleasant and exciting stimulation, they strengthen the vaginal muscles and strengthen the pelvic floor.

Womanvibe Keisy II Silicone Venus Balls

In stock
13,96 €

Silicone Venus balls Womanvibe Keisy II in purple and white design. Coated with 100% silicone. 11.6 cm long and 3.3 cm in diameter. Practical handle for handling. Weight 65 grams. Results visible after just 7 days.

Womanvibe Keisy I silicone ball

In stock
9,96 €

Silicone Venus balls Womanvibe Keisy I in purple and white design. Coated with 100% silicone. 11.6 cm long and 3.3 cm in diameter. Practical handle for handling. Weight 35 grams. Results visible after just 7 days.

EasyToys Wiggle Duo purple vibrating venus balls

In stock
9,96 €

Cute EasyToys Wiggle Duo Venus balls with a vibrating body. They are coated with extra fine and soft silicone. They are 10 cm long and up to 3.5 cm in diameter. They vibrate when moving. Eyelet for safe and comfortable pulling. Weight 23 grams.

EasyToys Wiggle Duo pink vibrating venus balls

In stock
9,96 €

Cute EasyToys Wiggle Duo Venus balls with a vibrating body. They are coated with extra fine and soft silicone. They are 10 cm long and up to 3.5 cm in diameter. They vibrate when moving. Eyelet for safe and comfortable pulling. Weight 23 grams.

Venus balls Joyballs Secret Green & Black

In stock
19,80 €

The revolutionary Silikomed is the material of the future. Hypoallergenic, medically approved and odorless. Joyballs Secret brings comfort and safety.

Venus balls Joyballs Secret Blue & Black

In stock
19,80 €

The revolutionary Silikomed is the material of the future. Hypoallergenic, medically approved and odorless. Joyballs Secret brings comfort and safety.

Venus balls Joyballs Secret Red & Black

In stock
19,80 €

The revolutionary Silikomed is the material of the future. Hypoallergenic, medically approved and odorless. Joyballs Secret brings comfort and safety.

Lelo - Luna Beads Noir
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Lelo - Luna Beads Noir

In stock
35,96 €

Luna Beads Noir are not only about pleasure, but also about health. Regular use can improve bladder control and increase sexual pleasure. Who wouldn't want stronger and more regular orgasms?

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Co jsou venušiny kuličky

Venušiny kuličky, často také označované jako milostné kuličky nebo gejšiné kuličky, jsou oblíbenou sexuální hračkou, která slouží nejen pro potěšení, ale i pro posílení svalů pánevního dna. Jsou to obvykle dvě kuličky spojené šňůrkou, vyrobené z hladkého, bezpečného materiálu jako je silikon. Uvnitř kuliček se často nacházejí menší kuličky, které při pohybu vytvářejí jemné vibrace.

Jak se používají venušiny kuličky

  1. Aplikace - kuličky se aplikují do vagíny s použitím lubrikantu na vodní bázi.
  2. Pohyb a stimulace - při běžných denních aktivitách vytvářejí kuličky uvnitř jemné vibrace, které stimulují a masírují.
  3. Extrakce - po použití se kuličky snadno odstraní pomocí šňůrky.

Výhody venušiných kuliček

Sexuální stimulace - kuličky poskytují jemnou, ale příjemnou stimulaci během nošení.
Posílení svalů - podobně jako vaginální činky pomáhají posílit svaly pánevního dna.
Zlepšení zdraví - pravidelné používání může pomoci v prevenci inkontinence a zlepšení sexuálního zážitku.

Údržba venušiných kuliček

  1. Čištění - po každém použití je nutné kuličky vyčistit teplou vodou a jemným mýdlem.
  2. Skladování - uchovávejte je na suchém a čistém místě.

Rozdíl mezi venušinými kuličkami a vaginálními činkami

Hlavní rozdíl mezi Venušinými kuličkami a vaginálními činkami spočívá v jejich primárním účelu a způsobu použití. Venušiny kuličky jsou primárně určeny pro sexuální stimulaci a zároveň posilují svaly pánevního dna díky jemným vibracím, které vytvářejí při pohybu. Naopak vaginální činky jsou specificky navrženy pro trénink a posílení svalů pánevního dna, a jsou obvykle používány jako součást cíleného cvičebního režimu.

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