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Delayed ejaculation

Since the time of Antiquity, Aphrodisiac has been among the guaranteed stimulants to bring romantic and erotic moods to both men and women. Quality aphrodisiacs help men improve erection and prolong sex, women make orgasms easier, facilitate anal stimulation. Do you want to experience more intense love experiences? Try the guaranteed and tested aphrodisiac from our wide range.

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PRIMULUS 60 tablets, a modern man's multivitamin
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PRIMULUS 60 tablets, a modern man's multivitamin

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23,96 €
23,00 €

Ensure a happy sex life with a quality food supplement PRIMULUS - multivitamin modern man. Pack of 60 tablets. 100% natural composition. Higher libido, better mood, balanced testosterone. Includes Zinc, Vitamins And More. Czech product.

Bull Power Delay Gel 30ml

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9,56 €

The secret to Bull Power Delay Gel? A unique combination of herbal extracts that effectively delay the moment of ejaculation for maximum satisfaction.

Toppharmamed Men Control (50 ml), original spray

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13,96 €

Toppharmamed Brave Boss spray on the penis to achieve longer sexual intercourse. The spray helps to delay ejaculation. Large package 50 ml. Better sex for both. An effective composition for every man.

Toppharmamed Brave Boss (50 ml), original spray

In stock
13,96 €

Toppharmamed Brave Boss spray on the penis to achieve longer sexual intercourse. The spray helps to delay ejaculation. Large package 50 ml. Better sex for both. An effective composition for every man.

Cobeco Male Delay Spray 15ml

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17,96 €

Spray to delay the ejaculation Cobeco Male Delay Spray in a 15 ml compact package.

Cobeco Wild Stud Delay spray 22 ml

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19,80 €

Do you want to be a master in the bedroom and give your partner unforgettable experiences? With Wild Stud Delay Spray you can! It delays ejaculation and prolongs lovemaking.

Hot Rhino Long Power Cream 30 ml

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13,96 €

It's time to take back control of your sexual stamina. With Hot Rhino Long Power Cream, you can be sure that every moment will last as long as you want. No worries, just pleasure.

Eros Prolong 101 30ml

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8,76 €

Have you ever experienced that passion fades too quickly? With Eros Prolong 101, you can put those worries behind you. Enjoy every moment to the fullest, with full sensitivity.

INVERMA Men stop stop-Creme 18ml

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11,80 €

A gentle cooling effect that prolongs your pleasure and cares for your skin at the same time. Try INVERMA Men stop stop-Creme and see the difference for yourself.

JoyDrops Delay 50ml ejaculation delaying gel
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JoyDrops Delay 50ml ejaculation delaying gel

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5,96 €

JoyDrops Delay Lubricant Gel for Men Delaying Ejaculation. Package contents 50ml. The desensitizing agent promotes longer sexual activity and delayed ejaculation. Balanced pH. Can be used with condoms. Hypoallergenic.

JoyDrops Delay 50ml ejaculation delaying spray
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JoyDrops Delay 50ml ejaculation delaying spray

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5,96 €

JoyDrops Delay Spray for Men Delaying Ejaculation. Package contents 50ml. The desensitizing agent promotes longer sexual activity and delayed ejaculation. Balanced pH. Can be used with condoms. Hypoallergenic.


Co je to ejakulace

Ejakulace je okamžik, kdy muž uvolní ze svého těla sperma a v naprostě většině případů u toho dosáhne orgasmu. K ejakulaci dochází, když dosáhne orgasmu, který je vrcholem sexuální aktivity. Pro většinu mužské populace je ejakulace zcela přirozenou a příjemnou součástí sexu. Dalo by se říci, že jde o fyzickou reakci na sexuální vzrušení, stimulaci a pro tělo je to způsob, jak uvolnit sexuální napětí.

Pro některé muže však může být ejakulace zdrojem úzkosti nebo nepohodlí. Někteří muži mohou mít obavy ze své schopnosti ejakulovat nebo mohou mít problémy s předčasnou ejakulací. Několik tipů jak pracovat s předčasnou ejakulací nalezente v našem článku 5 tipů na oddálení ejakulace

Ač to pro někoho může znít jako podivné, existují také muži, kteří mají opačný problém. Tím je neschopnost dosáhnout ejakulace vůbec. Může to znít jako příslib skvělého nekonečého sexu, ale věřte, že jde o zdroj silné frustrace. Ejakulace je úzce spojená s orgasmem a při jeho nedosažení se tělo neuvolní a naopak může setrvávat v  napětí.

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