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Valentine's Day special: I like dresses. Where it's on, it's off! | Erosovy Holky #008

Love, romance... and a little bit of spice! The Eros girls have come up with a Valentine's Day special, in which we discuss how to make your Valentine's Day more than just a candy.



Jarka talks about the role of costumes and roleplay – why she enjoys styling herself and why those costumes don't last very long anyway? Sabča tells a funny story about how her phone call about BDSM made her fellow passengers change seats. And what about Valentine's Day handcuff games? Well, let's just say it's not a good idea to carry them in your hand luggage – experience speaks for itself, they didn't like it at the airport very much.

Join us for an open (and sometimes quite funny) conversation about how to make not only Valentine's night truly unforgettable!

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